Making sense of European election…
Of course, there are many interpretations of the European election. What could be the best interpretation? Well, there is no best interpretation as such. Two parties are moving forward: The Brexit Party (UKIP) and the Liberal Democrats (Lib Dem). Interestingly, they have diverse agendas for British people – one is against Brexit and another against remaining.
Since the 2015 general election, any predictions about the election were not very close to reality. Thus, expecting the right analysis this time could be another misinterpretation.
In a simplistic term, people do not want to be in the middle. They will cope with the results and situations, but they want to be certain of their future.
But, the leadership race in the Conservatives has not been over yet. What will happen if this mandate is undermined? Will the public be punished with a longer uncertainty or will the party in the government (or opposition) be changed?
The answer could be complex, but the results may not take long.